Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Super-sized links 3/11/08

This is a lot of links (I used nary a computer all weekend and loved it) and I still need to write a post about NY. But there's some good ones here. Wild weekend for my Bruins as well...

-It's Kobe Bryant blog day. This guy has a seriously creepy man crush on him, but this is a really thorough article on Bryant's greatness.

-Sinbad vs. Hilary Clinton. Yes, that Sinbad. And he's right.

-I will now think about why I have traffic every time I'm stuck on the 101 and curse this article. One person is all it takes people to create a huge traffic jam.

-Freakanomics has declared it a recession, but the Fed keeps trying to jumpstart the economy. This is going to be interesting to see how it plays out.

-UCLA, dominating the Pac-10 honors.

-Free is the future of business. Eh, I'm kind of in disagreement on this one.

-This is badass. A bar owner has built an anti-drug dealer robot. So hilarious.

-Visiting the 22 countries "happier" than the US. According to surveys of course.

-This answers most of my problems with aid donations. I'm definitely that guy who asks where the money is going when people ask me to donate to Africa. But, bottom line, running a charity like a business is better for everybody, especially recipients.

-More Kobe love. He's half-man, half-amazing.

-The connection between arts + smarts. It's real.

-A Darwinian case for altruism.

-Implications for ubiquitous surveillance. Interesting bit about the level of power relative to information equality.

-Microcredit is not enough according to Suroweicki. Small loans need to be supplemented by real businesses causing real growth.

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