Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Super-sized Links 2/19/08

-Seriously, Best Buy talked my parents into buying an HD-DVD player about 3 weeks before happened: The Death of HD-DVD. What kind of f*ed up commission structure do they use?

-Is the examined life still worth living? Interesting take on Socrates.

-Great article on investing in Africa. Just don't buy any Nigerian scams.

-More stuff on school vouchers. God this is an interesting debate. Don't know where I stand anymore. The only real definite is that we must revamp the current one, somehow.

-Compelling evidence Obama may actually be BETTER for the economy than McCain, who clearly doesn't understand much of anything in that arena...

-If you ever wanted to learn more about the motion offense...

-Not sure if I agree with the extreme left that this is pitch-perfect, but Olbermann is surely a rhetorical genius in his frequent rips on Bush. It's tough to see him as only a sportscaster, no?

-The NHL's equivalent of the Auburn Palace Brawl in 2004 (aka Ron Artest melee)

-Western Conference rankings for the next 5 years... (Highly speculative)

-As a Lakers fan, I hate the Sacramento Kings. Alas, they've hired a highly likable coach with all the right stuff I'm forced to like. And he's doing great. A good little article on my main man Reggie Theus.

-Guide to optimal caffeine usage. Hint: don't take it all at once.

-A stirring and disturbing article on American anti-intellectualism and anti-rationalism. This stuff is true folks, and it's called Texas.

-And the anti-Patriots fodder starts... LAWSUIT!

-Why there aren't right-wing professors. Shut up, Claremont Independent. Someone has an answer to your stupid queries.

-I'd love to see this... TO in the NBA? He'd no longer be a problem child...

-22 huge movie ending changes, courtesy of the AV Club.

-Article on economic freedom (degree of) required for economic growth.

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