Thursday, February 28, 2008


-"I accept chaos. I'm not sure if it accepts me." - Bob Dylan

-Some cool stuff from TED, which I really dig by the way. Put the great minds together, share innovation. Good call.

-100 photographs that changed the world. Word.

-Worth a discussion. Yellow license plates for DUI offenders? Although this brands the car rather than the driver (thanks Rick), is this that bad of an idea? DUIs are bad news. I'm not sure how I feel about it as a warning, or an automatic get pulled over sign from cops after a certain hour, but I am sure this will not really work as a deterrent. I don't know how well deterrents work in general, I'd love to see some data...

-Antidepressants don't work so well? Damn. It's not like we're prescribing them everywhere or putting them in the water practically... wait... oops.

-The human brain explored a bit. This issue of The Economist was BOMB.

-Fascinating Schneier on Security article on what/where terrorism can be/is stopped. It doesn't happen the day of, it's always stopped in planning stages. Really interesting.

-How to go with the flow. Sometimes we all need a reminder.

-Crazy idea on how to explore the oceans. Cool stuff.

-Losing faith in the pollsters. I figured they'd be more accurate as time wore on, not less.

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