Tuesday, February 26, 2008

More stuff

-The West just got less competitive. See you next year Yao Ming.

-Baron Davis UCLA highlights. SICK. SICK. SICK. I forgot how amazing he truly was.

-Getting more and more excited about the Arrested Development movie. How could it not be better than the Simpsons movie?

-Yeah, how about those rate cuts now, Bernanke? The economy is tanking, T-A-N-K-I-N-G. But at least you helped inflation concerns (oh wait they're worse?!) and boosted consumer confidence (also at a serious low-point?!)... Well, you may not have done anything here... except made things worse but... ok, there's no silver lining. You suck. Back to "Every Change of Rate". And, yes, I will reference that every time I knock Bernanke from this point forward.

-Wait, the dollar is weak? Record-setting weak? I think a rate cute may help that Mr. Bernanke... PSYCHE!

-The Onion AV Club's Hater is starting to grow on me. This one is pretty funny: How to embody your generation's angst.

-Crocs are taking over the world! My roommates will hate it but my dad will love it.

-Great article from the LA Lakers' equipment manager. Good stuff. I love insights into what sports are really like behind the scenes.

-Who doesn't love seeing men crushed by the loves of their lives?

-This is ridiculous and amazing. I can see it being justified though. Sperm donor wins custody battle. Wow.


The Priest said...

The latest round of rate cuts reveals one of the most obvious racket elements of the Federal Reserve system. Even though rates for the banks have been cut, rates for consumers have gone up, thus increasing the margins for the lenders. The banks are just using this rate cut to recover some of their loses...it's totally bogus if you ask me!

CDP said...

really excellent point james. i wasn't aware of that, but wow. just wow