Sunday, February 24, 2008

Serial Killer... the Oscars... and more

So my favorite film of the year, No Country For Old Men, cleaned up at the Oscar's. Kudos. And Daniel Day Lewis won best actor. All in all, great show. Jon Stewart was bomb. Wish Ellen Page had won though.

Since the Oscars had one serial killer after another, I'll relate a personal story with a serial killer (haha, only kind of joking). On Friday night, I was buying beer with my roommate and the man in front of us had the following items in his shopping cart:

15-20 containers (various sizes indicating he bought out the section) of parmesan cheese
20+ bags of frozen vegetables (all same brand and bag)
8 containers of V08 shampoo (cheapest next to Suave)
A few other random crazy things

I mean have no documented proof that he is actually a killer, but I offer the following observations. In addition to his weird order, this man was freaking crazy. He was awkward and social inept, but instead of being self-consciously awkward, he appeared to have overcome these obstacles and was quietly powerful in a way. He was a case study in how to portray a serial killer. I was just creeped out, but the idea of a serial killer didn't cross my mind until a bag-boy suggested as much. Bizarro.

Great weekend, much to digest.

1 comment:

The Priest said...

To me, the creepier ones are those like Randy Kraft or BTK that appear to be good and upstanding people but are hiding a sinister core underneath. Your little encounter just sounds bizarro but at least that guy gave you the heebie-jeebies that threw up red flags. Of course there are plenty of fucked in the head folk that aren't killers, many many more than are. California, freaksville USA, I love it.